How Osteopathy Helps to Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity

One of our resident osteopaths, Ida Scheibelhoffer explains how osteopathy is more than just the manipulation of bones & joints; it can be a vital help in reducing inflammation and boosting immunity


The movement of fluids within the body is vitally important to maintaining a healthy immune system. The lymphatic system is one of the key players in the immune system and between the lymph glands, fluid and vessels, it locates, traps and fights off harmful microbes. The lymph vessels that transport the lymph fluid do not have their own pumping mechanism and so rely on muscular contractions or changes in pressure to move the fluid through the body.

Inflammation is the root cause of many issues

Inactivity, stress and injuries often lead to muscular contraction, stiffness and tightness. This in turn leads to reduced fluid flow below the surface of the body and so the immune system can be compromised. Inflammation is the first sign that your body is hard at work trying to protect you from more damage and give you time to heal. Acute inflammation produces such symptoms as pain, redness or swelling. Chronic inflammation symptoms can be less obvious and include: fatigue, chest pain, mouth ulcers, rashes, stomach pains.

Movement and techniques such as soft-tissue release help with blockages and increase the flow of blood and lymph and help immensely with creating a stronger immune system. The thymus, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, adenoids and liver are also part of the lymphatic system and visceral manipulation of these can improve the blood supply, increase mobility and have a beneficial effect on well being. Bone marrow (soft, spongy tissue inside the bones) is where blood is manufactured. Blood contains red blood cells which carry oxygen, platelets which help clot the blood and white blood cells which fight infection. So, it is vitally important we have healthy bones! Bones become stronger through movement and a healthy balanced diet.

The dangers of too much stress hormone

Chronic stress resulting from disease, injuries and illness can lead to an overstimulation of the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system and an imbalance of hormone levels. Adrenalin is a hormone released by the adrenal glands which is designed to save your life in a dangerous situation. However, when no longer required, still circulating the body, it can be exhausting and damaging.

The Vagus nerve (also known as the 10th cranial nerve) originates in the brain and passes through the occipital bone (the base of the skull) and is also important for the health of the immune system. It is responsible for controlling parasympathetic neural (rest, sleep and recovery) connections with the stomach, heart, kidney, spleen, liver and intestines.

Osteopathy: more than manipulation of bones & joints

Many people assume Osteopathy is mainly designed to release ‘pinched’ nerves or heal injuries however, many of the techniques we use also incorporate the visceral manipulation mentioned earlier meaning that visiting your osteopath can have a huge impact on your immunity, hormonal balance, stress reduction and the body’s ability to self-regulate. We also use manipulation to create space within the occipital bone and surrounding tissue to ensure the health of the Vagus nerve which in turn allows the parasympathetic nervous system to do its job efficiently.

If you are suffering from stress or feel your immune system needs a boost and some help rebalancing then please feel free to come and see me at Yogaloft.

Ida Scheibelhoffer is a registered Osteopath BSc (Hons) Ost.,Pg CAP, FHEA. View her availability at our Beethoven St studio.