Yoga styles guide


Developed by Sri K Pattabhi Jois (1915 – 2009), Ashtanga yoga is an athletic and dynamic practice. Poses are practised in six set increasingly challenging series’ that incorporate standing poses, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions, linked by the breath. Classes usually focus on the primary series and will detoxify your body and leave you feeling strong, calm and invigorated. Suitable for those who are physically fit and enjoy a demanding practice.


Ashtanga Mysore style classes, or self-practice, allows each student the opportunity to work through the sequence at their own pace and ability with individual guidance and assists from the teacher. New postures are added over time, others may be modified or adapted depending on the individual. This allows the student to progress on a truly personal basis and develop a deeper level of awareness. The beauty of self-practice is the ability to rely on yourself and establish a practice that truly becomes your own. You can then begin to refine the breath, movement and focus to establish a more meditative yoga practice. 

The classes are suitable for all levels. Beginners often have a shorter practice initially as the poses are introduced gradually in order to remember the sequence.

Creative vinyasa

An organically sequenced vinyasa that flows smoothly and is catered around the pranic (energy) conceptions of the elements that surround us on daily basis (fire, water, earth, ether, and air ) time of moon is also embraced in the flow.
As always students are guided to listen to the guru (the teacher) within, trusting their unique presence of body and mind and become present into the gift of NOW! Safe and clear alignment is partial in order to deepen into our pranic being through the asana (physical) practice. Presence of mudras and pranayama practices also weave in organically


Founded by Brazilian Sri Dharma Mittra, Dharma yoga is a strong physical and mental practice that will increase your mobility, flexibility and strength. Dharma yoga is a beautiful devotional practice that emphasises good health, a clear mind and a kind heart.

Dynamic vinyasa

These energetic classes combine graceful movements with synchronised breathing, and focus on building strength, stamina and flexibility. Teachers select music to help you immerse yourself fully in your practice. Suitable for those who enjoy a challenging practice.

Embodied movement & yoga

A general yoga class with an emphasis on natural movement, yoga, alignment, breathing and mindfulness. An opportunity for those interested in healthy movement, yoga, dance, somatic awareness, energy work and meditation. A safe way to connect and enhance your practice, creating space and self-care. Everyone is welcome, useful for all levels and practices.

Hatha yoga

Originating in India in the 15th century, Hatha yoga combines asana (physical postures), pranayama (control of the breath) and meditation to create balance of body and mind. Teachers bring their own influences to their classes to help you gain physical health and experience mental well-being. Suitable for all.


Hatha yoga develops greater flexibility, strength and vitality, enhancing clarity, focus and self awareness. Combined with the softness and grace of Scaravelli yoga, this style is Scaravelli-inspired, and encourages the weight of your body to release towards the earth, lengthening and awakening your spine, enabling the earth’s energy to move throughout your body freely. Classes are gentle but work is deep. Suitable for all including those with injuries.

Iyengar yoga

B.K.S. Iyengar’s method of practising and teaching hatha yoga developed from a profound understanding of the subtleties of yoga asana. Concentrating on building strong alignment, Iyengar yoga ensures a strong, safe and progressive exploration of the asana (physical poses). Props such as belts, bricks, wall ropes and blankets are used to help students perform the correct actions as they develop their practice. Classes tend to be slower paced, but physically demanding, with a focus on alignment and the transformational potential of the asanas. Suitable for all, but particular attention to attending the appropriate level is recommended.


Jivamukti yoga is a method of Hatha yoga created by David Life and Sharon Gannon in 1984, which integrates the physical, philosophical and spiritual aspects of the practice. Classes typically include flowing asana (physical poses) sequences, breathing exercises, meditation, Sanskrit chanting, Yogic philosophical teachings and deep relaxation.

Kids yoga

Kids yoga is great for confidence, balance, concentration, strength, flexibility, and of course fun! Classes levels to suit 2 year olds to teens.


Meditating in a group can be a profound experience. Classes include breathing practices to help quieten the mind, instruction, 20 to 30 minutes of meditation, as well as time for questions and discussion afterward. Simon’s meditation classes are open to all levels of experience from newcomers to experienced meditators.

Mummy & baby yoga

The aim is to give you and your baby the space to explore movement and for you to start getting in touch again with yourselves physically and emotionally. The yoga practice focuses on realigning and strengthening your body and mind. A lot of what happens in each class will depend on your babies but whatever we cover, these classes will help you regain some peace and calm in your life. Baby must be at least 6 weeks old and only until crawling. Suitable to those with no complications.  

Postnatal yoga

A post natal class designed to honor your transformation from labour into being a mother. Attending to the core and the intrinsic muscles will create a foundation that will enable strong stable support and essential healing physically, whilst creating vital energy. Open to all mothers from 9 weeks post partum onwards; Caesarean births suitable after 12 weeks with a health care check.

Pregnancy Yoga

 Pregnancy classes are specifically structured to strengthen birthing muscles, reduce backache, and speed up post-birth recovery. Our pregnancy teachers are all mums themselves with extensive specialist training, and classes often include discussion of how your pregnancy is progressing, where the teacher will offer guidance, support and advice. Classes are fun and informative, offering guidance in preparation for the birthing process and they are also focused on building strength and confidence for both the pregnancy and labour. Breathing techniques and other techniques are used to inspire trust and confidence. This class is suitable for all levels and for women who have never practiced yoga before. This class is open to those who have completed 12 weeks of pregnancy.


Restorative yoga is a perfect opportunity to restore energy levels and give your mind and body a welcome break from the frenetic activity of daily modern life. 

In this slower paced and meditative class, yoga postures are floor-based, are supported using props (such as the bolster, blankets, bricks and blocks) and held for long periods (several minutes) at a time. This approach triggers the parasympathetic nervous system (our body's rest and renewal state) and promotes feelings of calm and equilibrium. Philosophically this practice connects to the heart of yoga that is about connecting to our wholeness and contentment within. Suitable for all.

Slow flow

A graceful flowing practice that creates heat and energy within. Calmly paced, this class allows enough time for your body to explore the depths of pose, promoting a balanced body and mind. Slow flow classes may include some breath work (pranayama) and meditation practice. Despite the gentler pace this class can still be challenging, though is suitable for all levels of experience. 

Vinyasa flow

Vinyasa means ‘connecting breath with movement’. This dynamic practise combines flowing movements with synchronised breathing. Poses flow together like a dance in sequences created by the teacher which vary from class to class. You are likely to work up a sweat and these classes will bring an experience of harmony, strength and freedom. Suitable for those who like a fun and aerobic yoga practice.

Yin yoga

A class to deeply relax the body and mind, and support and lift the spirit. It’s especially beneficial if experiencing short or long-term stress, fatigue or the days when you feel you need grounding. Each class offers a combination of Yin (long held stretches adapted to suit the individual’s body) and restorative poses (supported postures – using bolsters, blankets, bricks – for deep rest). Guided meditation and calming Pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) to quieten the mind are encompassed in each session. This is the ideal class for when you feel you want to do yoga, but don’t have the energy for it! Or on the flip side feel overly restless, anxious or stressed and need calming down. 

Yoga for Cancer

A yoga, gentle movement and breath led class to help cope with cancer and cancer treatments. The class will help you manage side effects of treatment, boost immunity, decrease stress and anxiety, increase wellbeing, strength and range of motion. Classes are for any type of cancer and at any stage of recovery. You will need to be reasonably mobile and able to move independently. Open to all levels of practitioners and family members and friends are also welcome.

Yoga Gently & Yoga Nidra

The first part of this class offers a simple, nurturing, slower-paced, well-supported and relaxing practice in preparation for Yoga Nidra. It can range from restorative poses to simple asana to transitional movements towards stillness. Yoga Nidra is a stillness practice where the teacher verbally guides the practitioner into a state of deep relaxation. The student usually lies down during the session; however, it can also be experienced in a supported seated position or other restorative pose if preferred. If you have mobility issues, need to rest and reset or just enjoy a softer approach to yoga, this class if for you.


Class levels guide


Total beginner?

Total beginner? Discover yoga! In our 4 and 6 week programs, your teacher will guide you through the fundamentals of yoga. Build tone, strength, flexibility and a sense of calm.

By the end of this course you will be ready to safely explore the different styles and classes offered at Yogaloft.

You can also just drop in to any level 1 class on our timetable



Level 1

Level 1 classes - Ideal for those who have already attended our Total Beginners Course. This level is appropriate for those getting to grips with the key principles of yoga. Classes focus on the fundamental principles of postures and sequences. We recommend that new students attend level 1 classes for at least 6 months before trying other levels. Experienced practitioners also benefit by focusing on the basics.



Level 2

Level 2 classes - suitable for those who regularly practice yoga and who have been attending classes for at least 6 months. Classes will typically cover a wide range of postures including forward bends, back bends, twists, inversions and restorative poses. For Iyengar level 2 classes you must already have at least 6 months experience of the Iyengar method at level 1.


Iyengar level 3 (5).jpg

Level 3

Level 3 classes are challenging classes and typically include more advanced poses. Level 3 classes are suitable for experienced practitioners only.