International Women's Day

International Women's Day is such an important day to celebrate all of the incredible women out there who have made a difference in the world. There are so many inspiring women who have fought for gender equality and made significant contributions to various fields. One of our personal heroes is Malala Yousafzai, who has been an advocate for education and women's rights since she was a young girl. Despite being targeted by the Taliban for her activism, she never gave up on her mission, and even survived a gunshot wound to the head and neck. Her resilience and bravery are truly inspiring, and she has become a global symbol of hope and courage.

Another woman who has made a huge impact is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the former Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. She was a trailblazer in the legal profession, and spent her career advocating for women's rights and gender equality. She was known for her fiery dissents and unwavering commitment to justice, and she has become a cultural icon. I have so much respect for her, and she continues to inspire me to fight for what is right and just.

In the arts, there are also so many women who have made their mark. One of our favorite artists is Frida Kahlo, who created some of the most memorable and influential works of art of the 20th century. Her art explored themes of gender, identity, and Mexican culture, and she was truly ahead of her time.

In case you didn’t know it - Yogaloft was also founded by a woman!

As we celebrate International Women's Day, we must also remember the everyday heroism of women. This includes the women in our own lives who work hard to support their families and communities, often without recognition or appreciation.

International Women's Day is a time to celebrate all of the amazing women out there who have made a difference in the world. Whether they are global icons or everyday heroes, they all deserve recognition and appreciation for their contributions. Let's continue to fight for gender equality and work towards a better world for all women.

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