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Ashtanga - 'Yoga Chikitsa' - The Fundamental Techniques of Asana Practice and Yoga Philosophy For The Modern Yogi @Home Workshop With Nicola Croucher

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PRICE: £20

Yogaloft workshop @Home

Ashtanga Yoga is a method of transformation; an alchemical practice that raises awareness and presence, and expands consciousness using the physical body as a gateway to unlock its more subtle energetic realms.

In this workshop Nicola will take you on a magical journey that explores the shift between the physical, the energetic and the spiritual. You will experience using the body and asanas as a bridge towards a place of oneness.

Intelligent sequencing of asanas will allow us to incrementally and lovingly start to rebalance and realign the musculoskeletal system. This Yoga Chikitsa, which translates as ‘Yoga Therapy’, refers to balancing, cleansing and purifying on many levels.

Using ‘Yoga Asana’, ‘Breath’, ‘Bandha’ and ‘Dristhi’ we will start to move into physical, mental and emotional balance enabling us to start to experience ourselves as a vast ocean of consciousness; the immersive meditation of the practice.

This workshop is for everybody who is curious about this potent practice; complete beginners and more experienced practitioners of any style of yoga are all welcome.

About Nicola Croucher

Nicola has been studying the Ashtanga Yoga method in the Mysore style of practice since 2010 and she has been practising yoga in other forms for many years.

Having studied with Hamish Hendry at Ashtanga Yoga London until 2019, Nicola moved to Devon where she continues her Mysore studies practising Third series, and she now studies with David Garrigues.

Nicola is fascinated by all that it is to be human; physically, physiologically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually, and by our interconnected relationship with other beings and the Earth.

Nicola views life and yoga practice as a magic and epic adventure, and she looks forward to sharing this workshop with you!